Sunday Gospel

Guess what ladies and gents?  Sunday, O Holy Sunday, has come around again. Very quickly it seems this week. We have, I guess, been fairly busy. My brother is coming to visit with his girlfriend at the end of the week so lots of DIY and stuff to do around the house. We want to make it as cozy as possible of course. Considering we have a teeny tiny flat.

This visit from my brother, brings with it a whole lot of happiness on my part. Over the last few days I have been thinking about our childhood. You know when we were kids type of thoughts. And now, we are all grown up. He is visiting me in Cornwall, in my home, with my husband, with my little family. Our decor, our feeling, our vibes, how we live our life...all very different to how it was when we were growing up when this stuff (and pretty much everything else) was defined by our parents. How quickly it all happens, it all changes. I mean, he's catching up with me for god's sake. He's nearly 30.

When I came across this Monster Mashup this morning, I was over the moon. I just love Cookie Monster. It does what folks? You got it. Remind me of when we were kids. Often I break out in song for absolutely no reason other than it makes me feel good, singing:  'C is for Cookie. That's good enough for me. Cookie! Cookie! Cookie! Starts with C'.  Don't tell me Sesame Street didn't teach you an important thing or two right?

Here we go. I like to keep the sermons short and to the point. Not too many words. Always more about the feeling. You know. Please Enjoy.

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